Rob Samuelson

Writer, critic, videographer, editor
Chicago, IL
To me, pop culture is the stuff of life. It helps me to figure out why things are the way they are and why people do the things they do. I curate a political news and information widget called PoliticsChatter for the Sun Times Network. I review movies for Halfstack Magazine and I write essays about film and television for Gurulife.


Rob Samuelson

Video Editing

I am a recent graduate of Truman State University, the "Harvard of the Midwest" or "Princeton of the Prairie" depending on which t-shirt slogan you adhere to. Narratives in general are my thing. They can be cinematic, musical, literary, political, or anything else. I soak them in, dissect them and try to learn what makes them tick. I want everything to be as good as it can be, and to my mind, the only way to do so is to pick apart every aspect and build up.